Thursday, April 16, 2009

STATE OF PLAY In Theaters Tomorrow!

Today a colleague asked me what the circulation would be for an article that runs online on the website of a print publication. I suppose it would have something to do with the number of hits that the website gets and not the circulation of the print edition. What if the piece ran in both the print edition and online? Would it be even more? Do people, particularly young people even CARE about the print edition when they can get any news they desire on their iPhones or Crackberries in mere moments without all that messy newsprint? To all those fastidious Gen Y, X and Z'ers out there, I say this: GO SEE STATE OF PLAY! You may have never owned a subscription to a newspaper, but after seeing this film, you too will mourn it's passing. In these days of quick and dirty, easy information that pops up on Twitter then finds its way to "legitimate" news sites in mere moments before being debunked moments later, this portrayal of a newspaper in search of the truth is truly compelling. Between the eager young blogger played by Rachel McAdams and the seasoned newspaper man played by Russell Crowe, the embattled politician, Ben Affleck and my personal favorite, the sleazy PR person played by Jason Bateman, STATE OF PLAY boasts a cast of characters that not only entertain us but make us think...and that is what we should never stop doing, whether it is about an article in the newspaper or information floating around in cyberspace. When we stop thinking, we are truly PLAYED.

~Sara WJ