Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Oscar Time!

What are your plans for Oscar Night? I know what I will be doing...dressing up in my best red carpet attire, eating good food, drinking good wine and hoping that my choices in the office Oscar pool win me...big money! I will also of course be rooting for my favorite films and in doing so I am in a bit of a pickle because two of my favorites are contenders in the same category! They are FANTASTIC MR. FOX from Fox Searchlight Pictures and CORALINE from Focus Features and I so want both of them to win...what were the other nominated films anyway...? CORALINE holds a special place in my heart because we worked the premiere down in Portland and were able to talk to the artists who created the sets and figurines and see the extreme precision that goes in to preparing and shooting each scene. This experience made me appreciate even more FANTASTIC MR. FOX when it came out. And then I read an article in the New Yorker about Wes and how the movie was shot on something like 29 stages simultaneously and how every set piece was meaningful to the film, not just some background filler, something that many live action movies seem to not always consider! To sum up, while AVATAR is awesome (I saw it twice in 3-D IMAX) and THE HURT LOCKER is very good apparently (I have yet to see it but want to), sometimes it is within these smaller movies where you can really sense the craftsmanship and love. Ironic really that the, literally, tiniest films can have so much heart!
